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Expert (Top 1 %)

Talent from best colleges like MIT, Stanford screened through rigorous interviews, code review and always matched from previously verified experiences.


Not just a platform where you post and wait. Proactive Outsourcing

Fast and Reliable

7 Years in Tech Advertising. 2013 Graham Bell Awards and many more.

One Stop

Everything from Digital Transformation, Building a tech Infrastructure to Conversion Campaign. Breadth and Depth of Digital, Covered.

Access to talent who have worked at top brands

Instantly put them on Work Stream
How it Works?

Growth work, piece by piece, done by top rated resources

What role/ Which Tasks

Tell us the role and task you have

Top Consultants and Resources

We connect the tasks with our top resources, with the Account Manager

No Risk, No Uncertainty

You are working with the most reliable company to hand over your growth tasks

One Account Manager who listens

You don’t need any next hire, a next team

Our Secret Sauce

Reliable Delivery happens when Quality talent meets relentless pursuit of tech excellence as team

Crux2Core Delivery Platform is a combination of top talent, adherence to quality processes and immense press on looking for efficient growth through work packs

Top Talent

Your Account Is Handled By The Topmost Talent For The Skillset, Period. So A Newbie Under A Mid-Career Manager Is Not How We Decide A Project Resource Allocation. It Improves The Delivery Quality Multiple Times.

The Execution Platform

Our planner and work delivery platform churn out the efficiency which you can see for yourself. We look into thousands of project management delivery KPI’s which are pushing the boundary of project excellence.

Work With Robotic Efficiency

Work Needs To Packaged As A Performance Based Activity And All The Roles Should Deliver The Expected Defined Effort. We Help You Build All Your Roles And Functions Into Packaged Work. This Way It Creates Robotic Efficiency.

Business Increase
New Accounts
The Difference

Experience true business performance increases

Growth Cures All

Ready To See What's Next?

Experience Delivery Certainty.

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Managed Service Provider

Crux2Core has the data to solve and the insights to transform.  Our comprehensive global solutions optimize contingent workforce management and drive performance through people, process and technology.

Contact us

Insights. Efficiencies. Results.

In a fast-paced market, businesses need to improve their sourcing, quality, costs, and risks with their contingent workforce. Crux2Core offers the best solutions for managing all of those aspects. With our knowledge and experience, we work as partners to optimize the total talent management process and deliver measurable business results now and in the future.

Contingent Workforce Management

Our global team of experts are uniquely qualified to manage all contingent workforce needs, improve processes, create efficiencies and deliver cost savings.

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Statement of Work Management

Get complete visibility and expert insights about your entire contingent workforce.

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Alternative Workforce Solutions Management

Engage new talent pools outside of traditional employment channels and increase engagement in the gig economy.

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Talent Solutions

Our solutions help you find the right employees for your business. We integrate all of the best features and offer them at the highest quality to ensure your employees are both happy and efficient. We help to develop the right workforce for you, making sure that you have the right people now and in the future.

Workforce Consulting

Build a strong talent-based foundation to support your strategic workforce initiatives, so you can remain competitive on the market. We provide an insight-driven approach from workforce planning to talent optimization.

Workforce Analytics

Make better decisions about your talent, resources and planning. Our global business intelligence delivers labor market insights that show you where to invest to optimize your workforce.

Data-Driven Capabilities

With data coming from everywhere, it is important to find a partner to help drive insights that will solve problems and work towards organizational optimization. Assessment and analytics from us will empower you to make strategic decisions about your workforce.

Need Talent or Help with Your Workforce Strategy?